Aussie Crates Helping To Rebuild After Perth Hills Bushfire

Aussie Crates Helping to Rebuild after Perth Hills Bushfire   Helping to Rebuild after Perth Hills Bushfire - Aussie Crates WA

Rebuilding has recently started in the Parkerville, Stoneville and Mt Helena communities of the Perth Hills, more than 6 months after the January 2014 bushfire which destroyed over 50 homes in its path.

Most residents respect and accept the risks associated with living in a fire-prone area, but the lifestyle and landscapes still make it a great place to live. Stringent building regulations on new houses will reduce the risks of damage from future bushfires, but in conditions such as those experienced on 12 January 2014, nature is bigger and stronger than any man-made measures put in place to try and stop such a force taking hold.

Aussie Crates has supported the families affected by this disaster by donating to the Perth Hills Bushfire Appeal. This and other generous contributions from the WA community have helped with the rebuilding and recovery process for all those involved.

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